How To Make Store-Fresh Tomato Sauce

Tomatoes are delicious and delicate: it doesn't take long for them to overripe if one is not paying attention! 

If you've wandered down to the farmers markets the past few weeks, you may have seen us selling “saucing” grade tomatoes: those that are on the brink of becoming too mature.

That doesn't mean they're not worth buying though!

Not only are they good value for money, the flavour is TDF (that's shorthand for To Die For) and making your own tomato sauce saves you money at the supermarket. On top of all of that, you know exactly what's in your snag-topper condiment!

When preserving summer's bounty, there are a few key points that one would do well to follow:

  • Sterilise all jars and lids before using. This can be done by boiling in water for 10 mins, or putting the jars in the oven at 100-120C for 30 mins (best to boil the lids in water!).
  • When filling the jars, ensure that everything is burn-your-fingers hot (wear oven gloves!): sauce is hot, jars are hot and lids are hot. This will eliminate any bacteria entering the scene!
  • Get rid of any air bubbles in the jars by sliding a sterile butter knife down the inside of the jar (air bubbles create pockets in which bacteria may live).
  • Screw lids on TIGHT!

So, with all that in mind, here's a stellar tomato sauce recipe that will leave you wishing you'd made more!

  • 1.5kg tomatoes, washed
  • ½ cup sugar
  • ⅔ cup apple cider vinegar or white vinegar
  • 3 tsp salt
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 1 clove garlic, thinly sliced
  • 1 tsp fresh ginger, grated
  • ½ tsp whole cloves
  • ½ tsp ground allspice
  • 3 tsp black peppercorns
  • ⅛ tsp cayenne pepper (optional)
  1. Place all ingredients into a large pot and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Simmer for 2-3 hours with the lid partly on, stirring every now and then. Strain the mixture through a sieve - keep the liquid and discard the solids OR blend in a food processor for a thicker, more intense sauce.
  2. Pour into hot sterilised jars, leave on the bench overnight (make sure they've sealed!) and leave in a cool, dark spot in your pantry. If they haven't sealed, keep in the fridge and use within 2 weeks.
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