Spring Onion Oil

This is an oily condiment to have with rice, steak, chicken, noodles, dumplings, anything you like really!

If you like it saltier, add more soy, tangier, add more vinegar. I use a Laoganma chilli oil that you can purchase, you can omit this and use chilli flakes instead, and Schezwan flakes too if you like.

This is normally done with a lot more oil, saving you to cook out the spring onion a little more, but I have reduced this so not too much oil is used. Feel free to add more if you like. 

  • 100g oil
  • 100 g Streamside spring onions sliced
  • Pinch of salt
  • 15 grams of fresh chilli finely grated
  • 20g sesame oil
  •  3 tspns of chilli oil (laogonma)
  • 10g of Kikkoman dark soy
  • 10g of golden soy sauce
  • 30 g rice vinegar
  • Squeeze of lemon juice
  • Pinch of white pepper
  1. Slice the spring onions, thinly and have them ready in a stainless-steel bowl, or glass bowl. Finely grate the ginger into the spring onions. Stir through a pinch of salt.
  2. Cook the oil on a high heat in a small saucepan until it is smoking, and it will make you a little nervous, time to put on the extractor fan.
  3. When smoking hot pour the hot oil over the spring onions and stand back! It will steam.
  4. I return the spring onions to the pot stirring for 20 seconds, and pour back into the steel bowl again. It is best not to over cook them.
  5. Add all of the rest of the ingredients, stir and serve!

If you do not eat it all at once the rest can last a week in the fridge.

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